Fabrication 3 - Kanchanjunga Apartments - Block Models at 1:300

The photograph above shows 4 different unit blocks which have different shapes, volumes and sizes but have a very interesting and specific way of interlocking together to form a cuboidal block.

The purpose of this exercise was to choose 4 major types of apartment blocks from the Kanchanjunga Apartments and model them. By doing this we have been able to study how these units interlock with each other and create a plain exterior facade inspite of the labrynth of varying slabs complex structure underneath.

The sketchup model of the building and the 4 typical units are shown in the image below
 These units were casted with hydrostone with 3D printed windows in place during the casting process so that we can see the window openings and their ratio to the building facade when we stack them together. It was important to make this model of out cement and hydrostone, not only to explore new materials and techniques, but also understand the ture nature of the material of its construction used by Charles Correa. The upper-most unit has been displayed below.

The image below shows the interior side of the apartment, the central hollow is where the vertial core goes up all the height of the building. which has mirror units on both the sides.

Shown below is one of the units that has an interesting play of single and double height spaces within. This unit has also been developed into a detailled section at 1:50 scale in the other fabricatoin. Something to note here would be how the single height space is situated in between the upper and lower level and not in flush with any.

The units are stacked together in the photographs below. The entral core goes all the way to the top as explained earlier. In the image on the right we can see the window peoportions to the facade and also the slab lines, how the units interlock with each other and put a veil on the complications underneath.

The image below shows the casting of the central core in cement, which interlocks the units together.


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